Our sponsored Special Awards are organised in parallel to the main competition and look to reward initiatives focused on improving your community. Entry is open to all TidyTowns Groups as well as other interested individuals or groups. We are delighted to announce a new sponsors under our Special Awards category for 2025.
If you encounter any difficulties accessing any of the special awards application forms, please contact the TidyTowns Unit for assistance by email tidytowns@drcd.gov.ie or on 01 773 6988 or 01 773 6912.
Entry into the Special Awards is purely voluntary and non-entry will not affect performance in the main competition.
Please email your completed application forms to the correct email address, clearly marked with the title of the Special Award.
NEW FOR 2025
No. 1
Sponsored by Department of Transport
The Department of Transport is delighted to sponsor two new special category awards, one for Greenway projects and another for Active Travel Projects this year. The provision of walking and cycling facilities in our cities, towns and villages is critical in providing safe and accessible transport corridors connecting our urban centres for pedestrians and cyclists. This infrastructure are public assets designed for use by members of the public to undertake trips for a range of purposes – recreational, commuting, travelling to school and undertaking errands.
These routes can offer an opportunity to the local community to showcase the beauty of their local area through their stewardship endeavours. This special category primarily seeks to recognise the efforts of TidyTowns Groups in relation to integrating built infrastructure with ecological best practices as well as enriching local community assets.
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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Greenways-and-Active-Travel-Entry-Form-2025 (PDF)
No. 2
Sponsored by Department of Environment, Climate and Communications
The overall aim of the Sustainable Development Goals Award, sponsored by the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, is to acknowledge the role the SDGs play in everyday life. The awards aim to raise awareness of the SDG goals and to recognise the benefits they offer locally, nationally and globally as a guide to improving quality of life. The aim to achieve decent lives for all on a healthy planet by 2030. Positive, empowering community actions are key to meeting this goal.
When submitting an entry, clearly state in the subject, the name of the TidyTowns Group, location and that its an entry to the SDG Award 2025.
Further information is available at www.gov.ie/sdgs and by emailing SDGS@decc.gov.ie
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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No. 3
The Climate Action Award
Prize Fund: €6,000
Sponsored by Department of Environment, Climate and Communications
The overall aim of this award is to recognise the impact local communities can make in addressing climate change. The purpose of this award is to celebrate communities who have taken climate action, raised awareness within their communities and worked collaboratively across their and other communities to cocreate solutions to taking climate action.
Further information is available by emailing Climateawards@decc.gov.ie
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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No. 4
Tree Project Award
Prize Fund €1,000
Sponsored by the Tree Council of Ireland
The Tree Project Award is an initiative that values the positive influence of trees on the overall ambience of a town or village. It places importance not only on the initial planting but also on the ongoing maintenance and establishment of trees throughout their lifespan. This award recognises the TidyTowns Committee that through their hard work has fostered an urban woodland atmosphere within their community.
The project may equally focus on the preservation of old and established trees, acknowledging their natural, historical, cultural, botanical, or landscape significance.
The size and scope of the undertaken project, along with the tangible benefits it brings to the community, will be carefully evaluated.
To apply for the award, please use the Tree Project Award entry form and attach at least four images illustrating the conditions before and after the project was carried out. These images will serve as visual evidence of the project’s impact and transformation.
For more details visit: www.treecouncil.ie/supervalu-tree-project-award
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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Tree-Project-Award-Entry-Form-2025 (PDF)
No. 5
Gum Litter Taskforce Award
Prize Fund €5,000
Sponsored by the Gum Litter Taskforce (GLT)
The Gum Litter Taskforce (GLT) aims to increase awareness of the chewing gum litter issue by influencing a positive behavioural change around gum litter disposal and stronger enforcement of the €150 fine. The GLT would like to reward communities that are implementing environmental awareness initiatives to eliminate chewing gum litter in their area.
For more info, please visit https://www.gumlittertaskforce.ie/
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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No. 6
Young Persons in TidyTowns Award
Prize Fund €5,000
Sponsored by Department of Rural and Community Development
The Young Persons Award is aimed at the 16 to 24 age group who are actively involved in projects and initiatives of their local TidyTowns group throughout the year.
Entries under the Young Persons Award should demonstrate how TidyTowns groups actively involve young people in the 16 to 24 age group in contributing on an ongoing basis to their local TidyTowns activities, including through their membership of, or direct engagement with, the Groups. It is not open to schools to apply.
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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No. 7
Town Centre First Award
Prize Fund €5,000
Sponsored by Department of Rural and Community Development
The Town Centre First (TCF) policy, launched in February 2021, is a cross-government policy that aims to create town centres that function as viable, vibrant and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the service, social, cultural and recreational hub for the local community. TCF recognises that every town is unique in its challenges, needs and opportunities and lays the foundation for each town to develop, at a local level, their own plan-led path forward. More information can be found on gov.ie – Town Centre First Policy
The TCF Award, sponsored by the Department of Rural and Community Development, credits exemplary efforts by towns in driving forward town centre regeneration and revitalisation in line with the policy and recognises the vital role TidyTown groups have in the sustainable development of their communities and the enhancement of our town centres.
For more details, see www.tidytowns.ie or gov.ie – Town Centre First Policy
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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No. 8
Sponsored by SuperValu
At SuperValu, we believe the very best communities include everyone. Every age, ethnicity, and ability have something to bring in making our communities better places to live, work, and play.
This award aims to recognise TidyTowns committees who are making positive changes to promote and facilitate inclusivity for everyone by embracing and including all members of their community.
A prize of €2,000 will be awarded to the TidyTowns committee that best demonstrates how they promoted the inclusion of all community members through inclusive projects and initiatives.
For more details see www.supervalu.ie
Closing date 9th June 2025
Entry Form available shortly
No. 9
Leave No Trace Award
Prize – €1,000 along with a Leave No Trace trainer for one day to deliver either an Awareness course or workshop, access to online Leave No Trace Resources and promotion across social media.
Sponsored by Leave No Trace Ireland
Now in its sixth year, the Leave No Trace TidyTowns Special Award recognises communities for their significant efforts to protect and enhance the natural environment and the promotion of responsibility in the outdoors. Through recognising these communities, Leave No Trace Ireland seeks to inspire other communities to take extraordinary actions to protect and promote responsible outdoor recreation. Apply today and tell us what your group has achieved.
For more information please see www.leavenotraceireland.org
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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No. 10
The Waters and Communities Award
Prize Fund €7,000
Sponsored by Inland Fisheries Ireland, Waterways Ireland and the Local Authority Waters Programme
The Waters and Communities Special Award is open to any community group who has shown an appreciation for their water environment and water heritage by showing examples of initiatives undertaken during 2024, by showing examples of initiatives undertaken last year (examples include: support to biodiversity and water heritage; citizen science; promotion of angling; awareness raising events and initiatives; promotion of Nature Based Solutions; clean ups of local waterbodies; provision or upgrading of amenities, etc.)
This special Award is sponsored by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) www.fisheriesireland.ie (responsible for managing the inland fisheries and sea angling sectors); Waterways Ireland www.waterwaysireland.org (responsible for the management of inland navigable waterway) and the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) www.lawaters.ie (working with communities to get involved in caring for local waterbodies).
For more details see www.watersandcommunities.ie
Closing date 9th June 2025
Entry Portal available shortly
No. 11
All-Ireland Pollinator Plan – Local Authority Pollinator Award
Prize Fund €10,000
Sponsored by Heritage Offices & Biodiversity Offices of Local Authorities across Ireland, in partnership with the National Biodiversity Data Centre
The Local Authority Pollinator Award aims to encourage TidyTowns groups to implement pollinator-friendly actions in their towns and villages as part of the TidyTowns competition. Wild Irish bees, crucial to the pollination of our plants, trees and vegetables, are in decline – this is because we’ve drastically reduced the areas where they can nest and the amount of food our countryside provides for them. The aim of the award is to reverse this trend by encouraging TidyTowns groups to take simple pollinator-friendly measures in their local area. The Local Authority Pollinator Award supports the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan and is sponsored by the Heritage Offices & Biodiversity Offices of Local Authorities across Ireland.
For more details see www.pollinators.ie
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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No. 12
Sponsored by The Environmental Protection Agency
The purpose of this award is to recognise communities that have undertaken activities last year that support and promote the values of circular economy. In a circular economy, we value resources and products and try to prevent wasting them and to keep them in use for longer. Reuse, repair, sharing of products, waste prevention (e.g. food waste prevention, plastic or other packaging waste prevention) are circular economy activities and may be activities your community has supported. Initiatives that raise awareness of circular economy or support circular businesses within your community are welcome. Work done under the main competition category ‘Sustainability – doing more with less’ can be relevant to this special award. Through recognising these communities, the Environmental Protection Agency hopes to encourage and raise awareness of practical examples of circular economy actions taking place in our communities.
The overall national winner will receive a €1,000 prize, 2nd prize €800, 3rd prize €700 and two runner-up prizes of €500.
For more details please email cep@epa.ie
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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No. 13
Tiny TidyTowns Schools Award
Prize Fund €9,000
Sponsored by SuperValu
SuperValu are introducing a new primary school award called Tiny TidyTowns.
We all want our kids to understand and experience the wonder of growing their own food and the importance of protecting local biodiversity, so that they can grow up in a healthier world. So, this year SuperValu are calling on all Primary schools to show all the great work they are doing to improve their school and classroom environments.
A finalist group from each of the four regions will be chosen, with each finalist group receiving €1,000. The overall winner will then receive an additional €1,000.
For more details see www.supervalu.ie
Closing date 9th June 2025
Entry Form available shortly
No. 14
The Bat Conservation Ireland Award
Prize Fund €1,500
Sponsored by Bat Conservation Ireland
Bat Conservations Ireland are sponsoring two awards, the first award is to sponsor an award in an area of your town and village which you are designing and developing to help encourage bat activity. This includes, but is not limited to planting for bats, creating a pond or water feature, planting and/or preserving mature trees and hedgerows, and enhancing areas that have already been developed to encourage bat activity. This can include the erection of bat boxes at suitable locations to encourage roosting bats, but should also include a planting dimension. A no insecticide/pesticide ethos should feature strongly in your design and application, along with native plants that are natural to your locality. For help and suggestions see www.gardeningforbats.com.
For this competition we would like to see how bats can inspire the creation of a beautiful, creative and colourful space to enhance both the visual aspect of the area, as well as a more practical aspect.
The theme for the design is ‘Bats Benefit our Community!’ The award consists of €1,500 towards the project.
For more details, please see: www.batconservationireland.org and www.gardeningforbats.com
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here
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No. 15
The Bat Conservation Ireland Award
Prize Fund €1,500
Sponsored by Bat Conservation Ireland
The second award is sponsoring an award to create a public art mural or street artwork that highlights the importance of promoting biodiversity and creating garden and outdoor spaces that encourage bat activity.
For this competition we would like to see how bats can inspire the creation of beautiful art.
The theme for the illustration is ‘Bats Benefit our Community’! The award consists of an artistic commission of €1,500 towards the project.
For more details, please see: www.batconservationireland.org and www.gardeningforbats.com
Closing date 9th June 2025
See Entry Form here